Thursday, June 26, 2008

An amazing coincindence in Wisconsin!

On Friday June 13th I was in Tomah, WI to attend the wedding of a cousin on the 14th.

Around noon, cousin Mike and I headed to a fastfood burger place to get lunch for the gaggle of kids running around.

We placed our order and stood aside to wait.
Cousin Mike was home on a 14 day "vacation"from Iraq.

While we were waiting I was telling the storyof my drive up from Chicago the previous day. It was not the weekend to drive around Wisconsin.

The place was crowded and noisy so you can imagine my surprise when a gentleman walked up to me and said "are you Leo Quinn?"

Turns out it was reader Bob from Mississippi (he's on the right in the pic above) who happened to stop at this place for lunch in his travels that day. He told me he first recognized my VOICE!

Cousin Mike was STUNNED. He re-told the story all weekend. He's not sure what I "do"...pretty sure it's not a "real job" butI now have a little more credibility with