Monday, April 13, 2009

Focus on the positives AND the negatives

Getting out of debt is SIMPLE.

Losing weight is SIMPLE.

Quitting smoking is SIMPLE.

All this stuff IS simple but certainly not always

Losing weight is math. Burn more calories than
you take in and you'll lose weight. Simple.

Getting out of debt is math. Don't take on
new debt that you can't pay off within the
month and put as much as you can on the
old debt. Simple.

You get the idea.

Where we all fall down is on our focus.

We forget our "powerful whys" as my
friend Donna Krech likes to call them.

Why do you want to get out of debt?

Why do you want to lose weight?

Why do you want to quit smoking?

We all know our "whys" when we start
down a road of change but at some
point those "whys" fly out the window
and we forget them.

So for every goal you have trouble with
I'd like to suggest formulating two

One list for WHY you want to accomplish
something and one list for what the
consequences are for not accomplishing
your goal.

Sometimes the WHYS are not nearly as
motivating as the CONSEQUENCES.

Trouble is we forget about both when we
don't focus on them.

So once you have your lists, put them
where they'll do the most good...meaning
where you'll see them most often.

Review your lists 3x daily, morning, noon
and night.

If weight is the issue, review your list before
each meal.

If it's money related, review your list before
you spend money.

Your list doesn't have to be on paper.

If you have one of the new fangled phones with
all sorts of bells and whistles you probably
have some notepad function. Or if you check
your email using your phone, email your lists
to yourself and read them there.

Program your phone to remind you three
times a day to review your lists. Ding ding.

Record your lists and get the recording on your
ipod or MP3 player. LISTEN to yourself
three times a day or...

If you are trying to stop smoking, for instance,
do you think you'd stay motivated if three
times a day you heard a recording of your
daughter's voice saying "daddy, please
quit smoking so you can walk me down the aisle
when I get married some day" or

"mommy, please lose weight so you can play with me
at the beach next Summer"


"mommy, I don't want to have to pay for your
nursing home in 40 years so could you make
good money decisions today?"

Just checking to see if you are paying attention. :>)

Checking out your lists three times a day
and when you find your resolve weakening,
doesn't have to take a long time.

A quick glance to refocus will usually be enough
and in the long run you'll be very happy you
took the time.


At 10:25 AM , Blogger theBrawnerGroup said...


Some sage advice there...

I'd like to add my two-cents with regard to the negatives.

I'm a big believer in "you are what you think", "law of attraction", call it what you will.

As a long time project manager I've learned to deal with the negatives by turning them into positives. In PM lingo it's called Risk Management.

We list all the things that could go wrong. We rank them based on probability of actually happening and their impact if they do.

Then the magic... We create positive steps to mitigate (or prevent) them from happening, and a positive action plan for what to do if they should.

This way, we can remain focused on positive outcomes, not hiding from negative possibilities, but not dwelling on them either.

Our day to day dominant thoughts are now focused on positive outcomes.

See what your readers think of that, and if they need other solutions perhaps they'll find some answers at one of my blogs, Create-Your-Own-Solution.comThanks for sharing...



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