MMA Accounts...MMM Good?
At least once a week now I get an email from someone asking me to compare my program with something called an MMA account. That stands for Money Merge Account.
In October of 2007 one of the people selling MMAs offered to give me the financial details of
one of her friends so I could run the numbers through my program and she would run them through the MMA program and we could compare.
She said she only wanted to do what was best for her friend and if my system was better she would direct them to me.
Last I knew an MMA account involved getting a home-equity you needed to HAVE equity and the ability to qualify for a loan. It also involved a fee to the company setting up the MMA for you...I think the fee was $3500. That fee was on top of the fees to get the home-equity loan.
So to start, you're in the hole for $5000. I don't know, but I suspect all those fees would be taken care of by the home-equity loan. That puts you deeper into debt to start, which I'm not a big fan of for obvious reasons.
I accepted the challenge.. and here are the results...
From the MMA salesperson regarding her friends...
They say they have $400 discretionary income at the end of the month.
With the MMA software, they will be debt free in under 12 years.
(The mortgage and 1st 4 creditors are guaranteed to be paid off in 10.3 years. As they pay down their line of credit, they’ll use their line of credit to pay off the last 3 creditors also … so that’s why I’m giving it up to 12 years for being entirely debt free.)
I look forward to comparing notes. If your program does better for them … hey … you have a referral! Because I would want the best for these friends!
Just now, May 29th…I ran the exact numbers for these folks through the fancy new Debt Cruncher and it tells me these folks will be completely out of debt in 9 years and 10 months which is 16 years, 1 month faster than normal. They will also save $146,252 in interest charges.
Here is the last correspondence I got from the MMA salesperson…
Thank you for taking time to visit w/ me about this. I’m glad to have more explanation about your program. I had wanted to see if you had become aware of the MMA software – so you could see if it was something you might be interested in taking a deeper look into. Anything to help people out of debt … your method or mine … is at least a very positive step in the right direction!!
Thx again for your correspondence!
Huh. Where is the referral? "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" is two years faster and you save the $5000 in fees! Isn’t that better?
Oh well. I knew it would happen.
So you can spend upwards of $5000 to set up an MMA account or less than $100 for "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" and achieve a better result.
So now you know!
Thanks for reading. If you need more info on "How To Own Your Paycheck Again!" click HERE!
I would like to share a personal story regarding the MMA account. I have a close friend who invested in that program. He was well on his way to being far ahead of the schedule for payoff when his wife was diagnosed with cancer. The one big benefit they had with the MMA was that it has provided the financial cushion necessary to deal with her illness and added expenses. They did not have costs, other than what they paid for the service, to get the MMA and it proved a lifesaver because of the HELOC. I have looked into that program and do not know that it is for me, but it has been a Godsend for my friend. As always, we need to look at whatever will work best for our own situation. Keep up the good work.
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